Bartleby The bird and the boss
巴托比 小鸟和老板

A billionaire’s challenge to management thinking
Elon Musk’s s takeover of Twitter raises questions of policy: is it right for the world’s richest man to own such an important forum for public debate? It raises issues of law: is his decision to get rid of so many workers within days of completing the acquisition above board? And it raises questions of strategy: can Twitter make money by moving from a business model based on advertising to one based on subscription? But it is also an extremely public test of a particular style of management. In the way he thinks about work, decisionmaking and the role of the CEO, Mr Musk is swimming against the tide.
Above board
[əˌbʌv ˈbɔːrd]
adj./adv. 合法而坦诚(的); 开诚布公(的); 公开(的)
His conduct has been entirely above board.
Don't worry; the deal was completely above board.
His attitude to employees is an obvious example of his countercultural approach. For a futurist, Mr Musk is a very oldfashioned boss. He doesn’t like remote work. Earlier this year he sent an email to employees at Tesla demanding that they come to the office for at least 40 hours a week. Anyone who thought this was antiquated could “pretend to work somewhere else”, he tweeted.
v. 废弃,使变旧(过时,复古)
adj. 过时的;旧式的;
Whatever the legality of his decision to fire so many Twitter workers, his methods are brutal: people locked out of corporate IT accounts, careers ended with an impersonal email, half the workforce gone at a stroke. It is as if Thanos had decided to try his hand at business. For those who remain, hard graft is the expectation; insiders say that one of Mr Musk’s first acts at the firm was to cancel monthly firmwide “days of rest”. The template for the modern manager tends to be a lowego, compassionate boss who gives people autonomy. Someone didn’t get the memo.
at a stroke
[æt ə stroʊk]
This could solve all my problems at a stroke.
They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.
n. 样板; 模板; 型板; 模框; 标准
Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.
His critics have to accept that the mywayorthehighway approach has worked before. At his other firms, like Tesla and SpaceX, Mr Musk may not have offered empathy but he has provided a planetsized sense of purpose, from popularising electric vehicles to colonizing Mars. Whether this can work for him at Twitter is less clear. His vision for the product as a “digital town square” where free speech flourishes is a typically grand one. This time, however, he is not taking on lumbering incumbents, but fixing an existing business where judgment and politics matter as much as engineering.
adj. 缓慢吃力的; 步态笨拙的;
v. 缓慢吃力地移动; 笨拙地行进; 迫使担负(职责等);
n. 伐木业;
The way that Mr Musk takes decisions also cuts across consensus. Comparatively little research has been done on how CEOs make their choices, but a Harvard Business School working paper published in 2020 had a bash by asking 262 of the school’s own alumni how they went about making strategy.
Have a bash
[hæv ə bæʃ]
I'm not sure I'll be any good but I'll have a bash.
The authors of the paper did discover a wide range of approaches, with some managers going on gut instinct and others using very formalised processes. But the researchers found that bosses who use more structured processes tend to lead bigger and fastergrowing firms (which way causality runs is not clear). They also tend to make decisions more slowly. Mr Musk and his acolytes are in a different camp: fast, informal and aggressive. Reports are already surfacing of fired Twitter workers being asked to come back.
n. 侍从; 随员; 助手; 襄礼员;
He is unorthodox in another way, too. Peter Drucker, a doyen among management thinkers, described the CEO as being the person in the organisation who bridges the outside world and the inner workings of the company. No one else in the firm is in a position to combine these perspectives, Mr Drucker wrote.
adj. 非正统的; 非传统的; 不正规的
彼得·德鲁克(Peter F.Drucker,1909.11.19~2005.11.11),现代管理学之父,其著作影响了数代追求创新以及最佳管理实践的学者和企业家们,各类商业管理课程也都深受彼得·德鲁克思想的影响。
n. (某团体或职业中的)老前辈,资格最老者,元老;
Mr Musk is not so much bridging this gap as making the distinction between the inside and outside of the company irrelevant. His personal brand and wealth is inextricably linked with the other firms he runs. At Twitter he is going even further, tossing out product ideas on his own Twitter feed, polling the audience for their views and offering realtime commentary on how things are going. And Twitter itself is a platform on which everyone—users, exemployees, the people who founded the firm, policymakers and pundits—weighs in publicly to say how things are going. There is not much of an inside to talk of.
adv. 不可分开地; 密不可分地
n. 行家; 权威; 专家
You might object that Mr Musk is a oneoff, and so is this deal. When he first made his offer to buy Twitter, he explicitly said that it was not because of an economic rationale. He later tried to wriggle out of the transaction entirely. The story of a billionaire owner of a socialmedia platform has little in common with the challenges that preoccupy the salaried executives of most public firms. Maybe so, but if Mr Musk makes another success of his latest venture by being brutal to his workforce, skipping the PowerPoint sessions and managing through memes, the MBA will still need a bit of an update.
n. 根本原因; 基本原理;
vt. 使日夜思考; 使忧心忡忡
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